Chat Help

How to Find the Technical Support Channel

Using your Blizzard Entertainment game and your Internet connection, you can chat with a live technician through the Blizzard Entertainment service. This free Technical Support service is offered Monday through Friday, from 10 A.M. to 12 P.M. and from 2 P.M. to 6 P.M., Pacific Time (except on holidays).

If you are new to the service and would like additional help trying to use's features, go to:

You will need to connect to the US West server. Once you are in the chat area with other players, type "/join Blizzard Tech Support" (without quotes) in the chat field and press "Enter" on the keyboard. The Blizzard Tech Support channel is moderated, so only Blizzard Representatives will be able to see the messages you send to the channel. Customers are helped in the order they appear on the Blizzard Representative's screen.

List of Chat Commands

Note for Macintosh users: References to ALT key shortcuts below are not valid for the Macintosh version of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

Universal Chat Commands

The following commands can be used in any chat channel. They can also be used during game setup or while a game is in progress.

/help - (Ex: /help whisper)
Displays usage help for chat topics.

/whois [user] - (Ex: /whois TPark)
Looks up some basic information on users, including their account numbers and their current locations. This is an excellent way to find your friends online. typing /whois #[number] (E.G. /whois #1).
Aliases for this command : /where /whereis

/whoami - (Ex: /whoami)
Displays your information on

/w [user] - (Ex: /w JohnS)
Sends a private message to a user online regardless of the channel they are in. This is an excellent way to let a friend know you are online.
Aliases for this command: /m /msg /whisper

/ignore [user] - (Ex: /ignore BFitch)
Ignores any future messages from that user, effectively muting that user to you.
Aliases for this command: /squelch

/unignore [user] - (Ex: /unignore BFitch)
Allows a previously squelched user to talk to you normally.
Aliases for this command: /unsquelch

/away [text] - (Ex: /away eating dinner)
Displays a message that you are away from your keyboard whenever someone whispers to you or does a /whois command on you. To disable this command, use the command again.

/dnd [text] - (Ex: /dnd sorry playing a game with GFraizer)
"Do Not Disturb" - prevents ALL whispers from displaying to your screen. Its use is similar to the /away command. To turn the DND mode off, just type /dnd without a reason. This will prevent people from sending whispers to you while in a game as well. You are still able to see all normal public channel messages.

/who [channel] - (Ex: /who Open Tech Support)
Displays a list of all users in the given channel.

/stats [user] ID - (Ex: /stats DavidN STAR)
Displays the player's Win/Loss/Disconnect record for both normal and Ladder games.

STAR - StarCraft
SEXP - StarCraft Expansion (Brood War)
W2BNE - Warcraft II Edition
WAR3 - Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
WAR3X - Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

Displays the number of users currently on

Displays the current time.

Note: If you are trying to whisper to someone that has the @ symbol in their name such as work@home you need to add @ to the end of the name for the message to get to the correct person.

Example: /w work@home@USWest Hello work

Chat Room Commands

The following commands can only be used while in a chat room.

/join [channel name] - (Ex: /join Blizzard Tech Support)
Switches to a channel without having to use the channel join screen. Aliases for this command: /channel

/me [text] - (Ex: /me is rolling on the floor laughing!)
Displays emotion text, as in "PatN is rolling on the floor laughing!" Alias for this command: /emote

The following commands can only be used by channel operators (the person with the gavel).

/designate [user] - (Ex: /designate AlenL)
Selects [user] as the next channel operator when you step down, either by resigning or by leaving the channel. If the channel Operator leaves the channel and has designated more than one person, the last person designated will have ops.

Step down as channel operator and become a normal user again.

/rejoin - (Ex: /rejoin)
Makes you rejoin the channel you are currently in.

/kick [user] - (Ex: /kick TwainM)
Kicks a user out of the channel. This is best used as a warning since kicked users can return at their leisure.

/ban [user] - (Ex: /ban RobertB)
Kicks a user out of the channel and prevents them from returning until the current operator steps down or leaves the channel. This is the most powerful command at an operator's disposal; use it wisely.

/unban [users] - (Ex: /unban RobertB)
Allows a banned user to return to the channel.

Shortcut Keys

Cuts the selected text.

Copies the selected text.

Pastes the selected text.

Select all text.

Pastes the name you have selected.

Pastes the name you have selected.

Diablo II: Toggle channel enter/leave notifications.

Toggle channel enter/leave notifications.

ALT-W with user selected
Sends a private message to the selected user.
Aliases for this command: /w /msg /m /whisper

Cycles through the last 10 commands.
StarCraft: Displays the last command then cycles through the users in the current channel.

Toggles music on and the main menus.

Mouse Shortcuts

Right-click or (Mac) Command key + Click - on a name in a chat room will bring up the following list of options:


Friends List Commands

Number of Friends in the List

The maximum number of friends in the list is 25.

Levels of Friendship

A user adds another user to their friend list. When a user lists their friends, he or she will receive information about all of their friends in digest form. This will allow at a glance to see which of your friends are online. The digest information is similar to the current output of the /whois command. For each user you will see which program they are using and which channel/game they are in (so long as it's a public channel/game). For Diablo II the name of the game is not revealed (even if it's public).

Mutual Friend (or Close Friend)
Since we want to provide more features to users who trust each other, if users add each other to their friends list they will be considered mutual friends. When enumerating friends, mutual friends will have their channel/game name revealed even if the user is in a private channel/game so that they can always find each other. When mutual friends perform certain actions they may be notified. The current notifications are;

Your friend [account] has entered
Your friend [account] has left
Your friend [account] created a [program] game called [game name]

Chat Protection - /Options (alias: /o)

There are three separate flags, which a user can set to customize which incoming chat messages are ignored.

Whispers - when on, private messages from people who are not in your friends list will be ignored.

/options ignorewhispers (alias: /o igw)
This command will ignore whispers from anyone who isn't in your friends list.

/options unignorewhispers (alias: /o unigw)
This command will allow whispers from anyone who isn't in your friends list.

Public - when on, messages in public channels from people who are not in your friends list will be ignored.

/options ignorepublic (alias: /o igpub) - ignore messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.

/options unignorepublic (alias: /o unigpub) - allow messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't in you friends list.

Private - when on, messages in private channels from people who are not in your friends list will be ignored.

/options ignoreprivate (alias: /o igpriv) - ignore messages in private chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.

/options unignoreprivate (alias: /o unigpriv) - allow messages in private chat channels from anyone who isn't in you friends list.

This allows users who are interested in playing games instead of reading spam to cut it off permanently as well as providing protection for people who are being harassed by other users.

Friends Commands

/friends (alias /f)
The base command for all friends operations, on its own it prints out help about the friends commands.

/friends list (alias: /friends l or /f l)
Displays you current friends list and has a summary of what each friend is doing at the moment on

/friends add [accountname] (alias: /friends a)
Adds the specified account name to your friends list. You will receive an error if the account name is an invalid account (contains naughty words etc) or if you have too many friends in your list.

/friends remove [accountname] (alias: /friends r)
Removes the specified account name from your friends list. You will receive an error message if the account isn't in the list.

/friends msg [message] (alias: /friends m)
Sends a message to all of your friends.

/friends promote [accountname] {position} (alias: /friends p)
Promotes the account name in your friends list. If no position is supplied (or is zero) then the friend will be promoted up one place in the list. If the position is supplied then the friend will be moved to that position from the top of the list with number 1 being the highest position.

/friends demote [accountname] {position} (alias: /friends d)
Demotes the account name in your friends list. If no position is supplied (or is zero) then the friend will be demoted one place in the list. If the position is supplied then the friend will be moved to that position from the bottom of the list with number 1 being the lowest position.

Friends Aliases

Just about anyplace in (including the friends command themselves) you can refer to your friends via a "short cut". To use a shortcut use %f[num], where num refers to your friend by their position in you friends list. For example, to whisper to your number-one friend, you would use /msg %f1 hi there.

Other Information

When /dnd is activated, you will not receive entry notifications from mutual friends.

If you attempt to add a person that is already on your friends list, you will receive a notification that the person you are attempting to add is already on your friends list.