Main Menus

Single Player

The Single Player option allows you to take part in the Warcraft III single-player campaigns. Each campaign will take you through a series of missions that unfolds the epic struggle between the four races found in Warcraft III: Human, Orc, Undead and Night Elf. You will have to complete each race's campaign before moving on to the next step.

Profile Selection - The Profile Selection screen allows you to manage your profiles for the single-player campaigns. You can have any number of single-player profiles. To add a profile, enter a name and click "Add". To delete a profile, select the profile you wish to delete, and click "Delete". To choose a profile to use in single-player campaigns, highlight the profile, and click "Select". Selecting a profile will make that profile your default when Warcraft III loads.

Campaign - The Campaign button allows you to choose your next campaign mission, or replay completed missions. Successfully completing all of a race's missions will unlock the first mission of the next race.

Custom Campaign - The Custom Campaign button allows you to select a custom campaign.

Load Saved Game - Load Saved Game allows you to continue a game that was saved during the course of a mission. Each profile you add will have its own directory created for saved games. Click "Load Game" once you've selected a saved game, or click "Back" to go to a previous screen.

View Replay - View Replay allows you to watch the saved replay of a completed game. Replays can be saved after a game is completed. You can find the "Save Replay" button on the Score Screen after a mission is over. Select a replay from the directory, and then click "View Replay" to watch it. Click "Back" to return to the previous screen.

Custom Game - Custom Game allows you to create a game to play solo or against the computer. You're able to play on any of the maps Blizzard has provided you, or use this feature to test maps you've created yourself.

Map Info - Map Info shows the details for the selected map in a Custom Game. The map's size, description, and suggested number of players can all be found here.

Cog Icon - A cog icon appears next to the Map Name. A gold cog means the map is not a melee map; triggers or some other modification has been made to it. A melee map can be identified by a cog with crossed swords behind it.

Scroll Icon - If a scroll is present next to the cog icon, then the map has been officially approved by Blizzard.

Advanced Options - Advanced Options are set to default each time a Custom Game is created. The default Advanced Options are the same options used in official Ladder games. You can view the Advanced Options chosen for a map in two places: the Pre-game Chat screen, and the Join screen prior to selecting a game. Use the advanced options to set the following:

Lock Teams - Lock Teams stops players from changing alliances while in game. Uncheck this box if you'd like to change alliances while playing. By default, Lock Teams is enabled.

Teams Together - Teams Together starts allies next to each other. If unchecked, individual placement is determined randomly. By default, Teams Together is enabled.

Full Shared Unit Control - Full Shared Unit Control allows players to utilize an ally's force completely; this includes using his forces to build structures and units. Full Shared Unit Control is enabled when an ally is dropped from a game due to lag or other unforeseen circumstances. By default, Full Shared Unit Control is disabled.

Random Races - Random Races forces players who join your game to play with a random race. By default, Random Races is disabled.

Random Hero - Random Hero starts a player with a random Hero for his race. By default, Random Hero is disabled.

Observers - Observers are only allowed to join Custom Games. They will not be able to use /-commands, pause the game, or chat with anyone besides other Observers. The three options for Observers are: Full Observers, Observers on Defeat, and No Observers. Full Observers are allowed to enter the game and watch it until completion. Observers on Defeat are players who are defeated, but can remain in the game until its conclusion as observers. No Observers means no observers are allowed to join when the game begins, and all players are knocked out of the game when they are defeated. By default, No Observers is enabled.

Visibility - Visibility allows you to alter how the Fog of War and Dark Mask affect your game. By default, Map Explored is the chosen setting.

Cancel - Cancel takes you out of the single-player campaigns. allows Warcraft III players to meet in cooperative or head-to-head competition over the Internet. is completely free to its users. For more information about visit

Logon Screen - The Logon Screen allows users to create new accounts, view the Terms of Use, change passwords, and of course, logon to

Account Name Field - Account Names identify you on as a "unique user". Once an account name has been taken, it is reserved until that account is deleted or until it has been idle for ninety days.

Password Field - Passwords protect your account from being used by outside individuals. Once you choose a password for your account, write it down. Blizzard is not responsible for lost or stolen accounts.

Selected Gateway Button - Selected Gateway is the Realm you're going to connect to. By default, will connect you to the server that best serves you based on your OS's configuration.

To select a different Realm, leave the Logon Screen, and click on the Realm Selection icon on the Main Menu.

View Terms of Use Button - Terms of Use details Blizzard's rights and expectations of its users.

Create New Account Button - Create New Account allows a user to create a unique account on with a specified password.

Change Password Button - Change Password allows you to change the password for an already existing account. You must know the old password of the account before making any changes.

Logon Button - Logon takes you to if your entered password matches your account name.

Cancel Button - Cancel will take you back to the Main Menu screen. Screen -

Play Game Button - This button starts an Anonymous Matchmaking or AMM game session. When you select this option, players with rankings equivalent, or nearly equivalent to your ranking are automatically selected and put into a game with you. AMM games are officially recognized Blizzard matches recorded on the Ladder ranking system. Every game played in AMM matches will count towards your individual or team records. *NOTE: If you are disconnected from an AMM game during play, it will count as a loss on your record; the exception to this is in Arranged Team games.

Quick Play Button - Clicking on this button will search for a game which has the same settings as the last game you played in.

Arranged Team Button - Arranged Team games are exactly the same as AMM games. The only difference is that you can choose who you want to play on your team from the players found in chat. Select the person(s) you want to join you, press "Invite", and wait for the person(s) to accept. They will have 30 seconds to accept your offer. Once they do, you can select which maps or races you want to play just like normal.

Refresh Button - Refresh will update your list of possible teammates. The button will remain grayed when it can not be used.

Invite Button - Invite will invite the selected player from chat to be your teammate.

Cancel Button - Cancel will take you back to the previous screen.

Custom Game Button - Custom Game allows you to create a game to play solo, against the computer or with friends. You're able to play on any of the maps Blizzard has provided you, or use this feature to test maps you've created yourself. Custom Games also give you the opportunity to use the Observers feature (See Observers under Advanced Options). *NOTE: will automatically download a map to players that are partaking in your Custom Game. There is no need to pass the maps to each other ahead of time.

Tournaments Button - Clicking on this button will take you to the Tournaments web site for the gateway you are currently using. At the Tournaments web site you can view any currently active tournaments available on the selected gateway.

Ladder Info Button - The Ladder Info button will minimize Warcraft III and open your Web browser to the official ladder standings found at

Channel Button - Channel allows you to select the channel you will enter when you click on the Enter Chat button. News Screen - The News screen allows users to enter chat, read the most current news and statistics about, and find multiplayer games to take part in.

Enter Chat Button - Chat gives players the opportunity to set up games with each other, discuss strategies, find technical assistance, or just socialize while online. Chat also gives users the opportunity to look at one another's statistics.

Player's Profile - You can double-click on an account name in the Channel tab to bring up another player's statistics. This will show any background information they've entered, their individual and team records, and also their favored race. To enter your own information, double-click on your own name while in chat. Once you've finished it will automatically be saved when you press the "Back" button.

Channel Button - Clicking on the Channel button brings up a list of available public channels, allows you to create or join a private channel, and allows you to join a public channel.

Channel Tab - The Channel tab displays a list of players in the current channel.

Friends Tab - The Friends tab allows you to manage the freinds list for your current account.

Clan Tab - The Clan tab provides a means for you to create clans and allows you to manage the clans you have created. The clan system is explained in more detail in the Help section of this online help document.

Exit Button - Clicking on the Exit button will log you out of and return you to the Main Menu screen.

Help Button (question mark) - The Help button displays the Chat Help dialog which contains chat commands, freinds commands, and a brief description of each interface component in the Chat screen.

Exit Button - Clicking on the Exit button will log you out of and return you to the Main Menu screen.

Realm Selection (magnifying glass) -

Realm Selection allows you to connect to a different server. By default, will connect you to the server that best serves you based on your OS's configuration.

Local Area Network (LAN)

LAN games allow you to start or continue saved multiplayer games without connecting to You do not need an Internet connection, but you will need to be part of a network.


Options allows you to personalize your settings for Warcraft III. This includes Gameplay, Sound, and Video.

Gameplay - Gameplay allows you to customize minor in-game elements. These options will have minimal to no effect on "lag" while in game.

Mouse Scroll - Mouse Scroll controls the speed at which your view scrolls when using your mouse in game.

Disable Mouse Scroll - Disable Mouse Scroll toggles on/off your ability to navigate around a map in game by moving the mouse to the edges of your screen.

Keyboard Scroll - Keyboard Scroll controls the speed at which your view scrolls when using your arrow keys in game.

Enhanced Tooltips - Enhanced Tooltips toggles on/off the descriptive text for in-game elements such as abilities and units.

Subgroup Order Modifier Key - Subgroup Order Modifier Key toggles on/off the ability to use the CTRL key to issue orders to subgroups within a selected unit group.

Enable Multi-button Mouse (Mac OS 9.2.2 and earlier) - This allows the game to look for "right" click events generated by multi-button mice.

Game Port - The game port sets the network port on which other players will attempt to connect to your computer. The value displayed should be in the range of 1024 to 49151. In most cases this will not need to be changed. If you use a shared internet connection, the value listed should be set to match the NAT port forwarding table entry for the computer you use.

Chat Support - This allows you to set the language in which chat text is displayed and entered. Changing this value will increase the amount of memory allocated for the game.

Video - Video options allows you to maximize your video settings based on your hardware configuration. Turning many of these options to low can considerably increase your performance in game.

Gamma - This slider adjusts the overall game brightness. If the game looks too dark or too light, adjust the gamma to your liking.

Resolution - This setting has the greatest impact on overall graphic performance. This option adjusts the resolution and color depth of the game display. The lower your resolution, the faster the game will perform as fill rate decreases.

If you experience poor performance, we recommend reducing your resolution and color depth until performance becomes acceptable.

Model Detail - This option adjusts the number of polygons per unit. There are three quality settings: LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. Setting this option to LOW reduces overall number of polygons and can increase performance.

Animation Quality - This option adjusts animation blending and animation smoothness. There are three quality settings: LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. Setting this option to LOW increases performance and reduces memory use. When running on a system with 128 MB or less of system memory we recommend setting this option to LOW.

Texture Quality - This option adjusts texture size and texture color bit depth. There are three quality settings: LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. LOW reduces texture size by one step and uses 16-bit color depth. MEDIUM uses full size textures and 16-bit color depth. HIGH uses full size textures and 32-bit color depth. Setting this option to LOW increases performance on low memory graphics cards. We recommend ONLY using the HIGH texture quality setting on systems with 64 MB or better graphics cards.

Particles - This option adjusts the number of particles displayed. There are three quality settings: LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. LOW draws 30% of the total particles. MEDIUM draws 65% of the total particles. HIGH draws 100% of the total particles. We recommend reducing your particle setting if you are experiencing slow downs during large battles.

Lights - This option controls the number of lights rendered per object. There are three quality settings: LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. LOW uses one light. MEDIUM uses four lights. HIGH uses eight lights. If you have an older graphics card with 16 MB or less memory we recommend setting this option to LOW.

Unit Shadows - This option enables or disables the drop shadows below units in the game. If you have an older graphics card with 16 MB or less memory we recommend setting this option to OFF.

Occlusion - This option effects the persistence of the object sorting algorithm in the game engine. If you have an older graphics card with 16 MB or less memory we recommend setting this option to OFF.

Spell Detail - This option adjusts the length of time a spell effect is displayed. There are three quality settings: LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH.

Sound - Sound options allow you to personalize your sound preferences based on your needs and hardware configuration. By toggling off many of these options, you may witness an increase in the game's performance.

Sound Effects Volume - Sound Effects Volume allows you to toggle sound effects on/off and adjust their volume. Turning this off will turn off sound in game and out.

Music Volume - Music Volume allows you to toggle music on/off and adjust its volume. Turning this off will turn off music in game and out.

Ambient Sounds - Ambient Sounds allows you to toggle on/off map-specific sound effects that are part of the environment. Not all maps have such sounds. You will find most of them in single-player campaigns.

Unit Sounds - Units Sounds allows you to toggle on/off acknowledgements from units and structures. This has the greatest effect on in-game performance compared to the other sound options.

Movement Sounds - Movement Sounds allows you to toggle on/off unit movement sounds as they travel across the map.

Subtitles - Subtitles allows you to toggle on/off subtitles during cinematics.

Environmental Effects - Environmental Effects are toggled on/off by this setting.

Positional Audio - Positional Audio toggles on/off Positional Sound. Turned off, all sounds will seem to have a similar source. While turned on, sounds will come from different directions and distances.

Ok - Ok will save any changes you've made to Gameplay, Video, or Sound.

Cancel - Cancel will ignore any changes you've made to Gameplay, Video, or Sound and take you back to the previous screen.


Quit allows you to leave Warcraft III.