This document describes the steps of installing the E2 or Hasbani on the Linux. Driver Version 062802_REL1.4. 1) Installing. Redhat 7.1: #rpm -i USBENDPOINT-1.4-2_Redhat7.1.i386.rpm Redhat 7.2: #rpm -i USBENDPOINT-1.4-2_Redhat7.2.i386.rpm Redhat >= 7.2: #rpm --rebuild USBENDPOINT-1.4-2.src.rpm #cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 #rpm -i USBENDPOINT-1.4-2.i386.rpm Mandrake : #rpm --rebuild USBENDPOINT-1.4-2.src.rpm #cd /usr/src/RPM/RPMS (Notes: the binary format RPM should locate in one of its subdirectory according to your CPU type.) Find the binary RPM package, and execute the following command: #rpm -i USBENDPOINT-1.4-2.ixxx.rpm The driver should be installed in directory "/usr/local/e2/". 2) Working. #cd /usr/local/e2 #insmod e2.o #dhcpcd hsb0 (Note: Run this command after the ready LED begins to blink.) 3) Upgrading the E2 firmware. cp NewFirmware.bin /etc/CnxE2Fw.bin (Note: file name should be case sensitive.) 4)Uninstalling #rpm -e USBENDPOINT