Linksys EG1032 v3 Instant Gigabit Desktop Network Adapter Driver Linksys, A Division of Cisco System, Inc. ================================================================= - kernel source tree (supported versions 2.4.x or 2.6.x) - compiler/binutils for kernel compilation Unpack the tarball : tar vzxf eg1032v3.tgz Change to the directory: cd eg1032v3 If you are running the target kernel, then you should be able to do : make clean modules (as root or with sudo) make install depmod -a The media can be forced to one of the 5 modes as follows. Cmd: "insmod eg1032v3 media = SET_MEDIA" For example: "insmod eg1032v3 media = 0x04" will force PHY to operate in 100Mpbs Half-duplex. SET_MEDIA can be: _10_Half = 0x01 _10_Full = 0x02 _100_Half = 0x04 _100_Full = 0x08 _1000_Full = 0x10 Force media type for multiple cards could be performed as: "insmod eg1032v3 media=0x04,0x10" which force PHY to operate at 100Mbps half-duplex and 1000Mbps full-duplex. - Supports Jumbo Frame - Hardware Tx/Rx flow control