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Readme File for YK51X86.sys, Windows XP/Server 2003 (32 bit)
This file contains
yk51x86.sys: 32-bit Miniport driver, NDIS5.1
To install the driver, the following files are required:
yk51x86.sys: Miniport driver, NDIS5.1
yk51x86.inf: installation setup script
yk51x86.cat: digital signature (only if the driver is certified)
3.1 Installing the Driver
If the operating system cannot find a driver for the adapter, it is installed
as "Ethernet Controller" under "Other Devices" in the "Device Manager".
In this case, you must perform a driver update to install the driver.
For details, see the next section.
3.2 Updating the Driver
To update the driver:
1. On the desktop, right-click on MY COMPUTER.
2. Select MANAGE.
3. In the "Device Manager", double-click your adapter.
4. Select DRIVER.
6. Follow the instructions given by the operating system to locate the
7. If the driver which is found to be the latest is not the one you want to
install, select the check box "Install one of the other drivers".
8. Click NEXT.
9. From the driver list, select the driver to be installed.
10. Click NEXT.
11. If a message is displayed saying the driver is not digitally signed by
Microsoft, click YES.
12. Click FINISH to complete the installation.
NOTE: The latest version of the driver is available for download from our
web site.
The driver allows you to modify several options in order to optimize the
operation of your adapter.
1. In "Network Connections", right-click the adapter you want to configure.
2. Select "Properties".
3. Click "Configure".
4. Click "Advanced".
5. In the "Property" box, select the option you want to change.
6. Enter the desired value in the "Value" box.
7. Click OK .
The operating system will reload the driver with the changed settings.
The parameters supported by the driver are described below.
Network Address
Default value: burned-in adapter address
Valid range: "02-00-00-00-00-01" to "FE-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF" (hexadecimal),
where at least the "multicast" bit (bit 0) must not
be set (it indicates that the address field contains an
individual address) and the "locally administered" bit
(bit 1) is set (the address has been assigned by a
local administrator). These two bits are the first and
second bit transmitted on the LAN medium.
CAUTION: Each individual network MAC address can only be used once in a
network. Assigning the same address to more than one adapter in
the same network is not allowed and can cause serious problems.
To use a network MAC address other than the one burned into the adapter,
enter the network address in the following hexadecimal format:
e.g.: 02-00-5A-98-12-34
If the network address field is left blank (or a different number of digits is
specified), the network address burned into the adapter will be used.
Jumbo Packet
Specifies the frame size the driver supports.
The performance of your network usually increases when Jumbo frames with
a size > 1514 are used.
Default value: "1514 Bytes"
Valid values:
- "4088 Bytes"
- "9014 Bytes"
NOTE: If you are not sure whether your network supports Jumbo frames,
do not set the size to > 1514.
NOTE: For Fast Ethernet adapters, the valid range is limited to 1514.
TCP/UDP Checksum Offload (IPv4)
Used to control the hardware checksum offload for TCP/IP and UDP/IP.
There should be no need to disable checksum offload.
Default value: "On"
Valid values:
- "On"
- "Off"
Wake-Up Capabilities
Default value: "Magic Packet & Pattern Match"
Valid values:
- "None"
Wake On LAN capabilities are disabled
- "Magic Packet":
Wake-up with Magic Packet from Shutdown state,
wake-up OS-controlled from Hibernate or Standby state
- "Pattern Match":
Wake-up with a packet containing a special pattern from
Shutdown state, wake-up OS-controlled from Hibernate or
Standby state
- "Magic Packet & Pattern Match":
Wake-up with both from Shutdown state,
wake-up OS-controlled from Hibernate or Standby state
- "Link Change":
Wake-up with link change from Shutdown state,
wake-up OS-controlled from Hibernate or Standby state
Wake From Shutdown
Default value: "Off"
Valid values:
- "Off"
Disable the capabilities of the adapter to wake up the
system from Shutdown state.
- "On"
Allow the adapter to wake up the system from Shutdown
Energy Star
Used to reduce power consumption in Standby and Hibernate state when
Wake On LAN capabilities are enabled.
Default value: "Enabled"
Valid values:
- "Disabled":
No energy saving functions are switched on in the adapter.
- "Enabled":
The link speed is switched to 10 Mbps to reduce power
NOTE: This parameter is not available for every adapter type.
Receive Buffers
Defines the number of receive buffers allocated by the driver.
If the system does not have enough resources, the driver will fail to load.
Increasing this value may improve the performance.
For Yukon family based Ethernet adapters, the following values are used:
Default value: 50 (decimal)
Valid range: 3..500 (decimal)
For Yukon2 family based Ethernet adapters, the following values are used:
Default value: 256 (decimal)
Valid range: 256..512 (decimal)
Transmit Buffers
Defines the number of transmit buffers allocated by the driver.
If the system does not have enough resources, the driver will fail to load.
Increasing this value may improve the performance.
For Yukon family based Ethernet adapters, the following values are used:
Default value: 50 (decimal)
Valid range: 4..200 (decimal)
For Yukon2 family based Ethernet adapters, the following values are used:
Default value: 256 (decimal)
Valid range: 256..512 (decimal)
Interrupt Moderation
If more than the specified rate of interrupts occur, the Interrupt Moderation
function groups these interrupts so that several data packets can be handled
per interrupt. This will lead to lower CPU utilization but may increase the
Default value: "Enabled"
Valid values:
- "Enabled"
- "Disabled"
Max IRQ per Sec
Specifies the interrupt rate for Interrupt Moderation.
If Interrupt Moderation is set to "Off", it will be ignored.
Default value: 5000 (decimal)
Valid range: 1000..30000 (decimal)
Log Status Messages
Specifies the messages which are to be logged in the event log.
Default value: "Status Messages"
Valid values:
- "All Messages":
Should only be used for test purposes.
- "Status Messages":
The driver will generate an event log entry every time the
link status changes.
- "Warnings":
Only warning or error messages will be generated.
- "Errors":
Only error messages will be generated.
- "None":
All driver messages will be suppressed (not
Speed & Duplex
Contains information regarding auto-negotiation, duplex capabilities, and link
Default value: "Auto-Negotiation"
Valid values:
- "Auto-Negotiation"
- "10 Mbps Half Duplex"
- "10 Mbps Full Duplex"
- "100 Mbps Half Duplex"
- "100 Mbps Full Duplex"
- "1000 Mbps Full Duplex"
NOTE: This parameter is not valid for fiber adapters.
Preferred Port
Sets the preferred port for RLMT (Redundant Link Management Technology).
This port will be used for all network traffic when more than one port has an
active link to the network.
Default value: "A"
Valid values:
- "A"
- "B"
NOTE: This parameter is only available for dual link adapters.
Default value: "CLS"
Valid values:
- "CLS" (Check Link State):
RLMT uses the link state reported by the adapter hardware
for each individual port to determine whether a port can be
used for all network traffic or not.
- "CLP" (Check Local Port):
RLMT monitors the network path between the two ports of
an adapter by regularly exchanging packets between them.
This mode requires a network configuration in which the
two ports "see" each other (i.e., there must not be any
router between the ports).
- "CLPSS" (Check Local Ports and Segmentation Status):
Supports the same functions as "CLP" mode, and
additionally checks network segmentation by sending BPDU
hello packets.
This mode only works when Gigabit Ethernet switches are
installed on the network that have been configured to use
the Spanning Tree protocol.
NOTE: RLMT modes "CLP" and "CLPSS" are designed to operate in
configurations where a network path between the ports on one adapter
exists. Moreover, they are not designed to work where adapters are
connected back-to-back. This parameter is only available for dual link
802.1p Support
Enables/disables the Quality of Service (QoS) for the specified port.
Default value: "On"
Valid values:
- "Off"
- "On"
Battery Mode Link Detection
Sets the mode in which the adapter works if there is no link and the system is
Default value: "EnergyDetect+(TM)"
Valid values:
- "No Energy Saving":
No energy saving functions are switched on in the adapter.
- "Maximum Energy Saving":
If there is no link, the adapter is switched off.
The driver wakes up the adapter every 20 seconds to check
if there is a new link.
- "EnergyDetect+(TM)":
In "EnergyDetect+(TM)" mode the link is activated faster
than in "Maximum Energy Saving" mode, but the adapter
requires more power.
NOTE: This parameter is not available for every adapter type.
Battery Speed Settings
Sets the link speed for the adapter when the system is battery-powered.
Default value: "Full Speed"
Valid values:
- "Smart Speed Down":
The link speed is switched to 10/100 Mbps to reduce
power consumption.
- "Full Speed":
The adapter works with maximum speed and maximum
power consumption (no energy saving, same as when
the system is supplied by AC power).
NOTE: This parameter is not available for every adapter type.
Flow Control
Sets the flow control capabilities for auto-negotiation.
Default value: "Tx & Rx Enabled"
Valid values:
- "Disabled":
No link partner is allowed to send PAUSE frames.
- "Tx & Rx Enabled":
Both link partners are allowed to send PAUSE frames.
This parameter can be set for each port individually, which is helpful if the
port at the other end of the cable cannot handle all possible combinations.
Using the default setting, the adapter should automatically detect the
capabilities of the peer port.
Large Send Offload (IPv4)
Used to control the capability of Large Send Offload for IPv4 traffic.
Default value: "Enabled"
Valid values:
- "Enabled":
The big packets are segmented on the adapter before sent
to the network. Using this method, load will be taken from
the processor.
- "Disabled":
The packets are not segmented by the adapter.
NOTE: This parameter is only available starting with adapters based on the
Yukon2 chip.
*** End of Readme File ***