----------------------------------------------------------------- Hiren's BootCD 15.2 Custom Keyboard Settings Patch ----------------------------------------------------------------- Q. What does this patch do? A. It edits HBCD\Boot\Keyboard.bat in the iso. Option 1: Step 1 Extract files(DATA.DAT, PATCH.CMD) to Desktop Step 2 Copy "Hiren's.BootCD.15.2.iso" to Desktop Step 3 Double click on "Patch.cmd" Step 4 Burn The new file called "Hiren's.BootCD.15.2.XX.Keyboard.iso" Option 2: extract iso (Use HBCD\Programs\HBCDCustomizer.exe) Edit X:\HBCD\Boot\Keyboard.bat (right click and EDIT) Re-create iso Option 3: For Linux users copy ISO, data.dat and Patch.cmd in a directory. In a terminal enter the next command : wine cmd Patch.cmd, select language. Burn The new file called "Hiren's.BootCD.15.2.XX.Keyboard.iso" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hiren. www.hiren.info -----------------------------------------------------------------